Fr Elio Capra has started an art appreciation vodcast titled “Art and Soul”, where he draws on his passion for art, talking about how they have affected his soul.

An unexpected silver lining of the lockdown surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has been extra time to work on projects we would have otherwise not had the time for and this is a fine example of that!

In his vodcast, Fr Elio presents from his heart. He does not intend to give a professional description of the artwork, or a historical account of it – rather, he talks about how the art has touched him and what experiences when looking at artworks.

""While I may discuss the techniques and history related to an art work, my primary focus is the spiritual dimension that the work opens and the way it provokes reflection and prayer” he explains. "I hope that sharing my thoughts and ideas will prompt you to uncover the spiritual aspect of art as you experience it."

Fr Elio intends to issue a new video each week and where possible, following the themes of the liturgical year. They are short videos, intended to be used as a prompt for the viewer's own prayer, or immersion into art.

Already he has explored The Sower by Vincent van Gogh and The Sower by Francois Millet. These videos are available from his website or on YouTube.

Congratulations Fr Elio on this great project, we look forward to your future videos!